The wingman map offers a lot of useful information, the scope of which even goes beyond the map material provided by the authorities.

Display of map layers

The map allows you to show and hide the individual existing airspaces and zones for a specific location in a very granular form. Included are, for example, population data to determine the ground risk, the distinction between rural and urban areas, which is important for the air risk, as well as nature reserves, playgrounds, various obstacles and much more. This makes it very easy to understand what conditions prevail at a location.

wingman interaktive karte

Visualization of the risk along the flight plan

wingman displays the area in and around your flight area in the form of hexagons with a diameter of 100m. Based on a color scale, you can quickly see in which hexagons which SAIL and even which ground risk and air risk prevail. In combination with the map layers you get further context for risk determination.

Detailed information per flight segment

By clicking on the individual hexagons, you can obtain even more detailed information for each hexagon (100 meter diameter), for example about which zones and areas overlap with it or where the boundaries of the controlled airspace lie starting from the highest point within this section of the route.