Drone surveying: the solution for industry and construction

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Drones provide you with unique opportunities to carry out surveying work faster, more cost-effectively and with a significantly higher level of detail. Benefit from the use of the latest drone technology to survey landscapes or buildings and use the results obtained for necessary surveys at a later date.

Recording types and results

drohnen 3d modell gebäude

3D models

The individual images taken with the help of drones can be subsequently merged into detailed 3D models using special software. These offer a wealth of detail, which means that measurements can also be carried out retrospectively on the PC. The corresponding software offers customized digital surveying tools for precise work.

Orthophotos and orthomosaics

Digital, drone-based data can be processed and compiled into high-precision orthomosaic maps. Each pixel contains 2D geoinformation (X, Y) and provides precise measurements, such as horizontal distances and surface information. This data can be used for precise measurements.

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dsm digitale oberflächenmodelle

Digital surface models (DSMs) and digital terrain models (DTMs)

In DSM and DTM models, each pixel contains 2D information (X, Y) and the height (Z value) of the highest point for that position. These models can be used, for example, to determine which part of the terrain could be flooded if the water backs up, or whether earthworks are necessary to level the terrain in order to implement a planned construction project.

Advantages of drone recordings for surveys


Drones deliver high-resolution image and survey data for topographic maps, orthomosaics, 3D models and much more quickly and cost-effectively. Improve site assessment, documentation and progress monitoring.

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Fast and flexible

Drones are quickly put into operation and ready for use. The actual flight can also be carried out in a fraction of the time otherwise required for a survey, while many more areas can be captured at once. The images can also be used for further inspections afterwards.

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High level of detail

The images produced provide a very high level of detail, which helps to ensure that the measurements are very precise. In addition, it is possible to use the individual images to create 3D models, which can then be used to carry out subsequent measurements on the PC without having to measure the terrain again on site.

How it works


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Why skyzr?

We support customers from a wide range of industries in commissioning drone-based services at the best price-performance ratio and obtaining high-quality data.

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Simple order entry

We minimise the time and effort you spend on hiring drone services and thus on unique photos, videos and data.

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Certified drone pilots

High-quality results require a lot of experience. That’s why only certified and tested drone pilots are accepted on skyzr. In this way, we ensure legally compliant flight operations.

Offers within 48 hours

You are guaranteed to receive prompt offers from several drone pilots and can compare them directly with each other.

Precise surveying with drones

Discover the impressive benefits of aerial photography for the surveying industry. skyzr offers you access to professional drone pilots who create highly accurate aerial images for surveying applications.

Drone-based surveying is a powerful tool for capturing terrain, construction and infrastructure data. They offer a fast, efficient and cost-effective method of collecting precise survey data and easily capturing even complex or difficult-to-access areas.

The aerial images and 3D models generated enable detailed analysis, planning and monitoring of projects. The data obtained supports decision-making processes, improves project planning and contributes to resource optimization.

Convince yourself of the many possible applications and advantages of aerial surveying. Successful surveying projects start with skyzr – your platform for professional drone services and precise aerial imagery.

Possible applications of drone surveying and its main advantages

There are many possible uses for a drone. One area that is still quite new is drone surveying. It is particularly interesting for industry, trade and construction. After all, it can completely replace previously used surveying techniques, increase the efficiency of surveying and also significantly reduce costs. Drone surveying is therefore considered more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Drones are small, can be controlled flexibly and are therefore also suitable for areas where previous techniques have failed. Drone surveying is also a much safer method. Neither surveyors nor construction workers have to climb to dizzying heights to get a picture of the tasks.

Surveying can be easily repeated with a drone

It is not always possible to take all the special features on site into account during the initial survey. If uncertainties then arise during the evaluation of the collected data and images, a drone survey offers decisive advantages. Surveys can be repeated easily and without much effort and the missing data can be submitted later. This saves time and keeps costs to a minimum.

Possible applications of drone surveying

In most cases, drone surveying is used for buildings or areas. Here it is indeed easy to use and offers decisive advantages over other techniques. One area in which surveying with a drone is also possible is the inventory of stockpiles, landfills, quarries, gravel and ballast pits. Drone surveying offers decisive advantages here compared to other methods. The 3D volume models that are created in this way are very precise. The technology also makes it easier to survey the existing situation. Impairments or even disruptions to operations can be specifically avoided, which is another advantage. This means that unnecessary compromises in efficiency can be avoided. Drone surveying is efficient, easy to use and completely safe. The drones used here produce high-resolution orthophotos. They also reliably document possible damage.