Publisher / Media owner

skyzr GmbH
Phorusgasse 8/2/6
1040 Vienna
+43 14120059

Company register number: FN 548231y

Commercial register court: Vienna Commercial Court

UID number: ATU76407728

Competent authority: Municipal district office for the 4th district

WKO Companies A-Z: Applicable trade and professional regulations: UGB, GewO; available at

For further information regarding our trade and professional regulations, please visit:

Managing Director
Dipl.-Ing. Markus Bardach, BSc.
Frequentis Invest4Tech GmbH
Innovationsstraße 1, 1100 Vienna
ATU58337017, FN 226111t

Object of the company: Platform for the brokerage of drone-based services.

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

Data protection & information


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